Best Design Hungary showcases contemporary art, good design and great architecture from Hungary. Discover best designs from Hungary and the amazing designers, artists, and architects behind these outstanding works.
Designed by Hello Wood, awarded as one of the very best street furniture from Hungary in 2020.
Designed by Daniel Mato, awarded as one of the very best lighting from Hungary in 2019.
Designed by Alberto Vasquez, Istvan Vincze and Gyula Sebo, awarded as one of the best pet care from Hungary in 2024.
Designed by Gellert Olle, awarded as one of the very best 3d printing from Hungary in 2018.
Designed by Adam Miklosi, awarded as one of the very best wearable technology from Hungary in 2018.
Designed by Levi Fignar - Next Ship , awarded as one of the very best building components from Hungary in 2017.
Designed by Laszlo Nemeth and Denes Varga, awarded as one of the best machinery from Hungary in 2021.
Designed by 3h Architects Ltd., awarded as one of the best architecture from Hungary in 2021.
Designed by Bord Architectural Studio, awarded as one of the best architecture from Hungary in 2020.
Designed by VPI Concrete Design and Manufacture, awarded as one of the best street furniture from Hungary in 2019.
Designed by Attila Stromajer , awarded as one of the best furniture from Hungary in 2019.
Designed by IO line and round, awarded as one of the best interior from Hungary in 2019.
Designed by Maform Design, awarded as one of the best service from Hungary in 2019.
Designed by Peter Morvai, awarded as a great packaging from Hungary in 2024.
Designed by Sara Kele, awarded as a great office furniture from Hungary in 2023.
Designed by Hello Wood, awarded as a great architecture from Hungary in 2023.
Designed by Oszkar Vagi, awarded as one of the best baby products from Hungary in 2018.
Designed by Maform Design Studio, awarded as one of the best medical product from Hungary in 2017.
Designed by Bence Meszaros, awarded as a great graphic from Hungary in 2022.
Designed by Brand Bar Communications, awarded as a great graphic from Hungary in 2022.
Designed by Palatium Studio Ltd., awarded as one of the best architecture from Hungary in 2016.
Designed by Blank Design Studio, awarded as a great web from Hungary in 2021.
Designed by Hd Communication Kft., awarded as a great graphic from Hungary in 2021.
Designed by Hello Wood, awarded as a great cultural heritage from Hungary in 2020.
Designed by Mono Design Studio, recognized as a very good packaging from Hungary in 2024.
Designed by Eszter Laki and Reka Imre, recognized as a very good graphic from Hungary in 2024.
Designed by Gabor Balint, awarded as a great consumer electronics from Hungary in 2019.
Designed by George Galcsik, awarded as a great art supplies from Hungary in 2019.
Designed by Jaskó+Vági Építész Kft., awarded as a great architecture from Hungary in 2019.
Designed by Anna Farkas and Miklós Batisz, awarded as a great graphic from Hungary in 2019.
Designed by Maform Design, awarded as a great aircraft from Hungary in 2019.
Designed by Antonin Krizanic, awarded as a great lighting from Hungary in 2018.
Designed by Timea Andoka, awarded as a great graphic from Hungary in 2018.
Designed by Hella Sarnyai and Orsolya Horvath, awarded as a great event from Hungary in 2018.
Designed by Adam Miklosi and Daniel Fekete, awarded as a great home appliance from Hungary in 2018.
Designed by Maform Design Studio, awarded as a great sporting goods from Hungary in 2018.
Designed by Emese Orban, awarded as a great building components from Hungary in 2018.
Designed by Bianka Foldi and Robert Valoczi, recognized as a very good graphic from Hungary in 2023.
Designed by Richard Solloshi, recognized as a very good luxury from Hungary in 2023.
Designed by Zoltan Madosfalvi, awarded as one of the best furniture from Hungary in 2013.
Designed by Botond Voros, recognized as a very good graphic from Hungary in 2022.
Designed by Zoltan Madosfalvi and Tamas Vekony, recognized as a very good architecture from Hungary in 2022.
Designed by Balazs Toth, recognized as a very good pet care from Hungary in 2022.
Designed by Peter Istvan Varga and Renata Paunoch , awarded as a great street furniture from Hungary in 2017.
Designed by Maform Design Studio, awarded as a great vehicle from Hungary in 2017.
Designed by Csaba Tölgyesy, awarded as a great sporting goods from Hungary in 2017.
Designed by Roland Rekeczki, awarded as a great packaging from Hungary in 2017.
Designed by Co & Co Designcommunication, awarded as a great consumer electronics from Hungary in 2017.
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